Optical Bonding for Electronics and Automotive Displays
High quality displays are in ever-increasing demand. Users today spend significant amounts of time with electronic devices under many different conditions. Devices have to function whether they're in your hand or in your vehicle. At a time when having information translates into competitiveness, high-quality displays that enhance the user's experience are critical.
Optical Bonding Applications
Momentive optical bonding solutions offer potential protection against high and low temperatures, as well as vibration and shock resistant seals. They also can help protect displays from condensation in humid environments, and also reduce reflections and enhances readability in bright light.
Potential applications in vehicles
- Instrument panel
- Navigation screens and in-dash entertainment systems
- Rear-view mirrors
- Seat-back and flip-down video screens

Process Solutions: Optical Bonding Silicones for Large, Curved Form-Factor Displays
Momentive can help solve the challenge of free shape large, curved displays (for example, automotive displays), both rectangular and nonrectangular. Our optical bonding materials and process innovations can help accommodate displays of various curvatures and shapes, as well as coatings of uniform or non-uniform thickness, thus helping achieve high throughput or enabling automation. This can help solve the often difficult challenge of bonding free-shape designs. The process can accommodate both rectangular and non-rectangular shapes, as well as displays of various curvatures and coatings of uniform or non-uniform thickness.
Watch the video below for more information:
Our Optical Bonding Products
Momentive is a pioneer in developing solutions for optical bonding. Our portfolio of INVISISIL™ Optical nding silicones is used in many different types of optical bonding applications worldwide.
1. INVISISIL UV Cure Silicone
One-part silicones that cure rapidly with UV light to help decrease cycle times in bonding operations. They main flexible after curing to help protect against thermal shock and impact. They feature high light ansmittance and reduced surface glare that can result in displays and touch-screen units that are more easily adable in sunlight or bright indoor light. INVISISIL UV Cure silicones are ideal for bonding outers layers to uch sensors in LCD touchscreen displays.
Featured Products:
2. INVISISIL Thermal Cure Silicones
Two-part, transparent gels that can cure with low heat—as low as 60°C (140°F) — in as little as 30 minutes even shadowed areas. High elongation properties allow them to be stretched and pulled yet retain their shape and sist tearing. With excellent optical properties that help provide high light transmission, INVISISIL Thermal re silicones can help protect displays and touch screens from moisture and chemical agents in harsh vironments while preserving clarity
Featured Products:
- OP2012S Thermal Cure Optical Bonding Silicone
- OP1012 Thermal Cure Optical Bonding Silicone
- OP1112 Thermal Cure Optical Bonding Gel
3. INVISISIL Snap Cure Silicones
Two-part, fast-curing silicones with a typical cure time of 10 to 30 minutes at room temperature. n-yellowing, shadow curability and less than .5% shrinkage rate to help reduce CTE mismatch.
4. INVISISIL UV Delay Cure Silicones
Two-part silicone adhesives featuring delayed, UV light-activated curing. Curing delay times can be controlled UV intensity and/or duration.
- UV Gel100 two-part UV delay cure silicone
5. INVISISIL Silicones for Dam and Fill
One and two-part silicones with high dimensional stability, strong sealing and adhesive grip to help display nufacturers encapsulate and protect critical electronic components.
- OP1912 two-part thermal cure, transparent silicone
- OP1922-B two-part UV-Pt, black silicone
- INVISISIL OP2831D UV-Cure Optical Bonding Silicone
- TN8000 one-part, neutral alkoxy cure adhesive (black, white, gray)
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